wx.NET Release Checklist
A simple checklist for wx.NET team members doing a new release. Recommend printing
out and using the old pen-through-line method to check off finished steps.
- Determine whether a new version of wxWidgets will be used
- Update wx.NET and wxWidgets release version number in various places
- In
WXNET_TOP/Src/wx.NET/AssemblyInfo.cs: edit
- In
WXNET_TOP/Dist/Defs.in.master : edit VERSION
- Edit default pathnames in the various built
WXNET_TOP/Build/ MacOSX/Defs.in.template
- Review Docs/Manual now, as it gets bundled into the binary and source
- Commit changes to CVS
- Build and test on each platform:
- Update from CVS, of course!
- Update
as necessary to account for any new wxWidgets version
- If building a new wxWidgets, on Windows remember to edit both
WXW_TOP/include/wx/msw /setup.h and WXW_TOP/build/msw/config.vc
- Follow build instructions and make wxw (if necessary) and wxnet
- On Windows, remember to run the separate Samples and Utils VS.NET solutions
to build these pieces
- On Windows, re-compile Demos/FreeCell and then commit the new binary
Bin/FreeCell.exe to CVS
- Test samples on all platforms
- Create and upload packages:
- Everything is done in
- On the Linux host to a "make linux src" to create Linux binary package
and generic source package
- On the Mac host do a "make mac"
- On the Windows host within a Cygwin shell do a "make win"
- Test the above
- Upload archives to SF by running "make upload" on each platform. This
will not formally release the files, but will instead make them available
to step 6.
- Create/edit release notes at
WXNET_TOP /Docs/WebSite/release/MAJOR-VERSION/index.html .
If the release is a minor release such as 0.7.1, 0.7.2, etc. we usually just
update the existing major release file, with newer release at the top.
- Release to SourceForge
- Create a new numbered release at the SF
release page
- Paste in the the release notes (optional)
- Paste the latest bits from
WXNET_TOP /Dist/temp/ChangeLog.txt
- Click Submit/Refresh
- Scroll down and click the checkboxes next to all the release files
that got uploaded and click the "Add Files ..." button
- Now the fun part: define the processor and file type for each package.
IMPORTANT: you must define and click the Update/Refresh button for each
package individually one at a time, as they don't work globally :-(
- Once done, send a notice to those who are watching (optional)
- Update Website under
- Link in the release to the home page at
index.html (usually
just a cut/paste job + tiny edits of a previous release). Be sure to
adjust any link the SF download page for the release (which can be found
clicking here and then "show only this package").
- Link in the new release notes created in step 5 to
(may not be necessary for minor release)
- Modify the SF download links in binary.html (3 edits) and
source.html (1 edit): I just look for the old release versions and
update it by hand or globally
- Commit changes
- Publish onto SF Webserver by executing the following:
ssh wxnetadmin@shell.sf.net update-cvs-snapshot
This will copy the Website from CVS to the project's Apache document
- Update the API reference and user manual on the Website by doing the
cd WXNET_TOP/Build/Linux
make apiref doc-upload
This currently requires the PNET toolset because it's csdoc tool is used
- Test the download links changed above and the user manual on
- Tell the world! Send an announcement to
Last changed on $Date: 2005/07/25 21:02:32 $ by $Author: t9mike
$ • Original Author: Michael S. Muegel