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UN*X Make Targets$ make ********************************************************** Please type one of: make wxw (builds and installs; does not make samples) make wxnet (builds core, samples, and utils; does not install) make wxnet-install (builds and installs) You could also make individual parts of wxWidgets: make wxw-config make wxw-core make wxw-contrib make wxw-samples (not built by default) Or one of the pieces of wx.NET make wxnet-core make wxnet-samples make wxnet-utils To review the settings that will be used or were used on builds: make wxw-show-config make wxnet-show-config (requires wxWidgets be installed first) You can also purge most builds output files in the source directories (leaving installed files alone): make wxw-clean make wxw-real-clean (removes WXW_BUILD_DIR) make wxnet-clean make wxnet-asm-clean (only removes built .NET assemblies) make clean (wxWidgets and wx.NET) make real-clean (wxWidgets and wx.NET) Note that all wxw builds automatically do an install as this is necessary to build wx.NET. But a build of wxnet does not perform an install. ********************************************************** Last changed on $Date: 2004/07/09 04:59:33 $ by $Author: t9mike $ • Original Author: Michael S. Muegel |