wx.Build.ISingleFileProduct Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for wx.Build.ISingleFileProduct:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool Contains (IBuildProduct file)
< RefToProject
GetProjects ()
DateTime GetValidity ()
DateTime GetValidityDemand ()
void NormalizeOriginalFileName (string nameOfAValidDirOrFile)
IFileProducts Replace (IFileProducts oldInstance, IFileProducts replacement)


int Count [get]
ContentFiles ExplicitFiles [get]
ContentFile File [get]
ContentFiles Files [get]
ContentType Type [get]

Detailed Description

Represents a single file occasionally resulting from a build step.

Member Function Documentation

bool wx.Build.IFileProducts.Contains ( IBuildProduct  file  )  [inherited]

True if this equals or the provided build product or the product is among its targets.

arg The build product that will be searched

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

ICollection<RefToProject> wx.Build.IBuildProduct.GetProjects (  )  [inherited]

This is a collection of projects that build this target. This may be empty or null . This method will be used to determine interdependencies between projects.

Implemented in wx.Build.FeatureList, wx.Build.RefToProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, wx.Build.FileProducts, and wx.Build.ResourceDesignator.

DateTime wx.Build.IBuildObject.GetValidity (  )  [inherited]

Returns validity timstamp of this object. Whenever this is equal or later than all prerequisites, this is considered consistent with the prerequisites on rebuilding.

Implemented in wx.Build.FeatureList, wx.Build.AlternativeBuildActions, wx.Build.SequenceOfBuildActions, wx.Build.NamedAction, wx.Build.RefToProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, wx.Build.FileProducts, and wx.Build.ResourceDesignator.

DateTime wx.Build.IBuildObject.GetValidityDemand (  )  [inherited]

This is the counterpart of the Validity . If this occurs as a prerequisite, this shall be compared with the Validity of the target in order to assess whether rebuild is necessary or not.

Implemented in wx.Build.FeatureList, wx.Build.AlternativeBuildActions, wx.Build.SequenceOfBuildActions, wx.Build.NamedAction, wx.Build.RefToProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, wx.Build.FileProducts, and wx.Build.ResourceDesignator.

void wx.Build.IFileProducts.NormalizeOriginalFileName ( string  nameOfAValidDirOrFile  )  [inherited]

You may use this method to control the form of the file name that will be used to serialize this (the original filename). The argument is a path to an existing file or directory. This will strip a directory information from this path. After that, the original file name will change to something equivalent to the absolute filename (referring to the same file) but now relative to the directory as specified by the argument.

Use this method to prepare content file instance for serialization in such a way that all file names become relative to the same directory.

nameOfAValidDirOrFile The name of an existing file or directory. This name will - if relative - be expanded using the BuildConfig. If this is null, this method will return without any effect. This may also be the name of a not yet existing file. In that case, however, the directory name shall exist.
See also:

System.ArgumentException Will be raised if the argument is neither the path to an existing file nor directory.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

IFileProducts wx.Build.IFileProducts.Replace ( IFileProducts  oldInstance,
IFileProducts  replacement 
) [inherited]

Creates a copy where contained file descriptors have been changed. This will be used when projects are transformed e.g. to make a release (c.f. wx.Build.Release.MakeReleaseProject).

A special case occurs if replacement is null. This method can be used in this configuration to remove occurances of a file product term.

System.Exception May occur, if the replacement is not of the same class as the old instance.
oldInstance The file descriptor that shall be replaced. If the replacement is null, all occurances of this descriptor will be removed.
replacemant The file descriptor that shall be used instead of oldInstance. This may be null. In that case, all occurances of oldInstance will be removed.
A copy of this instance where all occurances of oldInstance have been replaced by replacement. The result may be replacement if this instance is equal to oldInstance. The result may be this instance if this is neither equal to oldInstance nor this is a container containing oldInstance.

The result is null if this equals oldInstance and the replacement is null.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

Property Documentation

int wx.Build.IFileProducts.Count [get, inherited]

The number of contained files.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

ContentFiles wx.Build.IFileProducts.ExplicitFiles [get, inherited]

A collection of contained files that are addressed explicitely as instances of ContentFiles or ContentFile.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

ContentFile wx.Build.ISingleFileProduct.File [get]

The file resulting from the bilding step.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToSingleFileProject, and wx.Build.ContentFile.

ContentFiles wx.Build.IFileProducts.Files [get, inherited]

The collection of files resulting from the bilding step.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

ContentType wx.Build.IFileProducts.Type [get, inherited]

The type of the files resulting from this building step.

Implemented in wx.Build.RefToFileProject, wx.Build.ContentFile, wx.Build.ContentFiles, wx.Build.FileSelector, and wx.Build.FileProducts.

The wx.NET Build System.   (c) 2009-2010 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe