wx.Net.Build File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
BuildActions.csBuild system for wx.NET
BuildConfiguration.csBuild system for wx.NET
BuildProjects.csBuild system for wx.NET
ContentFile.csBuild system for wx.NET
ContentTypeConfig.csBuild system for wx.NET
CSharpCompiler.csBuild system for wx.NET
CxxCompiler.csBuild system for wx.NET
FileContentType.csBuild system for wx.NET
FileProducts.csBuild system for wx.NET
GnuCxxTools.csBuild system for wx.NET
IBuildAction.csBuild system for wx.NET
MonoTools.csBuild system for wx.NET
MsCxxTools.csBuild system for wx.NET
MsNetTools.csBuild system for wx.NET
PkgApp.csBuild system for wx.NET
PkgFrame.csBuild and installation system for wx.NET
PkgToc.csBuild and installation system for wx.NET
ProcessStarter.csUtility encapsulating start of oricesses using class System.Diagnostic.Process
ReleaseActions.csBuild system for wx.NET
ResourceDesign.csBuild system for wx.NET
WxSupport.csBuild system for wx.NET

The wx.NET Build System.   (c) 2009-2010 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe