wx.Build.FeatureList Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for wx.Build.FeatureList:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Add (KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool > item)
void Add (FeatureEntry key, bool value)
void AddRange (FeatureList features)
void Clear ()
int CompareTo (object obj)
bool Contains (KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool > item)
bool ContainsKey (FeatureEntry key)
bool ContainsSymbol (FeatureEntry featureEntry)
bool ContainsSymbol (string symbol)
void CopyTo (KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool >[] array, int arrayIndex)
override bool Equals (object obj)
virtual bool Execute (BuildToolFamilyEnv env, DateTime validityOfBuildSystem)
 FeatureList (params FeatureEntry[] features)
< KeyValuePair
< FeatureEntry, bool > > 
GetEnumerator ()
override int GetHashCode ()
< RefToProject
GetProjects ()
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema ()
< IBuildProduct
GetTargets ()
virtual DateTime GetValidity ()
virtual DateTime GetValidityDemand ()
void ReadXml (System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
bool Remove (KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool > item)
bool Remove (FeatureEntry key)
override string ToString ()
bool TryGetValue (FeatureEntry key, out bool value)
FeatureList Without (params FeatureEntry[] features)
void WriteXml (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)


int Count [get]
ICollection< string > DisabledSymbols [get]
ICollection< string > EnabledSymbols [get]
bool IsReadOnly [get]
< FeatureEntry
Keys [get]
bool this [FeatureEntry key] [get, set]
ICollection< bool > Values [get]

Detailed Description

A feature list is a list of feature entries that may be activated or not. Featurelists occur as build objects representing variants of the software product.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wx.Build.FeatureList.FeatureList ( params FeatureEntry[]  features  ) 

This will create a list containing the provided enabled features.

Member Function Documentation

void wx.Build.FeatureList.Add ( KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool >  item  ) 

void wx.Build.FeatureList.Add ( FeatureEntry  key,
bool  value 

Adds a new feature entry. This will raise an argument exception, if the new feature entry refers to an already used symbol.

void wx.Build.FeatureList.AddRange ( FeatureList  features  ) 

This will add all features from the argument to this. This will raise an System .ArgumentException if this already defines at least one of the features fromr features .

void wx.Build.FeatureList.Clear (  ) 

int wx.Build.FeatureList.CompareTo ( object  obj  ) 

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.Contains ( KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool >  item  ) 

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.ContainsKey ( FeatureEntry  key  ) 

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.ContainsSymbol ( FeatureEntry  featureEntry  ) 

True iff this already refers to the feature symbol of the provided feature key.

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.ContainsSymbol ( string  symbol  ) 

True iff this already has a feature referring to the provided feature symbol.

void wx.Build.FeatureList.CopyTo ( KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool >[]  array,
int  arrayIndex 

override bool wx.Build.FeatureList.Equals ( object  obj  ) 

virtual bool wx.Build.FeatureList.Execute ( BuildToolFamilyEnv  env,
DateTime  validityOfBuildSystem 
) [virtual]

Does nothing and states success. Override this to implement an action that determines the features.

IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<FeatureEntry, bool> > wx.Build.FeatureList.GetEnumerator (  ) 

override int wx.Build.FeatureList.GetHashCode (  ) 

ICollection<RefToProject> wx.Build.FeatureList.GetProjects (  ) 

This returns null because this does not imply build projects.

Implements wx.Build.IBuildProduct.

System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema wx.Build.FeatureList.GetSchema (  ) 

ICollection<IBuildProduct> wx.Build.FeatureList.GetTargets (  ) 

This will return itself.

virtual DateTime wx.Build.FeatureList.GetValidity (  )  [virtual]

Like created in the beginning of times and never changed since then. Override this to implement an action that determines the features.

Implements wx.Build.IBuildObject.

virtual DateTime wx.Build.FeatureList.GetValidityDemand (  )  [virtual]

Requires rebuild.

Implements wx.Build.IBuildObject.

void wx.Build.FeatureList.ReadXml ( System.Xml.XmlReader  reader  ) 

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.Remove ( KeyValuePair< FeatureEntry, bool >  item  ) 

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.Remove ( FeatureEntry  key  ) 

override string wx.Build.FeatureList.ToString (  ) 

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.TryGetValue ( FeatureEntry  key,
out bool  value 

FeatureList wx.Build.FeatureList.Without ( params FeatureEntry[]  features  ) 

Returns this list of features without those mentioned in the argumetns.

void wx.Build.FeatureList.WriteXml ( System.Xml.XmlWriter  writer  ) 

Property Documentation

int wx.Build.FeatureList.Count [get]

ICollection<string> wx.Build.FeatureList.DisabledSymbols [get]

A collection of all enabled feature symbols. This is a collextion of explicitely disabled symbols, i.e. symbols that are contained but associated with value false .

ICollection<string> wx.Build.FeatureList.EnabledSymbols [get]

A collection of all enabled feature symbols.

bool wx.Build.FeatureList.IsReadOnly [get]

ICollection<FeatureEntry> wx.Build.FeatureList.Keys [get]

bool wx::Build.FeatureList::this (  )  [get, set]

Read or set the activation state of the feature designated by key . If this is true , the feature is enabled. If this is false , the feature is disabled. Features that are not part of this list will return false .

If you set this, keep in mind, that this will raise an System.IndexOutOfRangeException, if key is a new feature referring to an already used feature symbol.

Get the value associated with the provided symbol. This will first determine the feature associated with the provided symbol and then look for the value of this feature. This will return false also on unknown symbols.

ICollection<bool> wx.Build.FeatureList.Values [get]

A collection of all explicitely used activation states.

The wx.NET Build System.   (c) 2009-2010 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe