Install Package Overview
When you either download a wx.NET pre-built binary package or install wx.NET
from the build system using "make wxnet-install " (Linux
and Mac only) ,
a number of directories and files get created. We'll briefly summarize the
install package below.
- Runs the
launcher.exe sample browser
- Implemented as a shortcut on MacOS, a
.sh shell script on Linux, and
a simple .exe assembly under Windows
README.txt - brief description of wx.NET and how to run the
LICENSE.txt - the license that
governs the use of wx.NET
CONTRIBUTORS.txt - who's contributed to wx.NET development
- The libraries, sample exe assemblies, and
- On Linux and Mac, the wxWidgets shared libraries you
built against also get copied here, ensuring
Bin is a true snapshot
of a wx.NET build
- Class reference
- Useful only to show what classes/members
have been implemented
- Consult the wxWidgets documentation for
a detailed description of each class and member
- Always available in build downloads or (for
the latest wx.NET release)
- An optional part of the build process: type "
make apiref "
or "make
apiref-install "; requires PNET as it's C# documentation tools
are used
Demos/ - the FreeCell VB.NET demo is located here
MacBundles/ - Mac only; bundles for samples and any graphical
Samples/ - a copy of the sample source code
Last changed on $Date: 2004/07/09 04:59:33 $ by $Author: t9mike
$ • Original Author: Michael S. Muegel