wx.PackageBuilder.IDataReferringToFiles Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for wx.PackageBuilder.IDataReferringToFiles:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void NormalizeOriginalFileNames (string nameOfAValidDirOrFile)

Detailed Description

This is the interface of all classes that can be used to implement data of nodes in trees on features and source files.

Of course, the data needs to be serializable.

Member Function Documentation

void wx.PackageBuilder.IDataReferringToFiles.NormalizeOriginalFileNames ( string  nameOfAValidDirOrFile  ) 

You may use this method to control the form of the file name that will be used to serialize this (the original filename). The argument is a path to an existing file or directory. This will strip a directory information from this path. After that, the original file name will change to something equivalent to the absolute filename (referring to the same file) but now relative to the directory as specified by the argument.

Use this method to prepare content file instance for serialization in such a way that all file names become relative to the same directory.

nameOfAValidDirOrFile The name of an existing file or directory. This name will - if relative - be expanded using the BuildConfig.
See also:

System.ArgumentException Will be raised if the argument is neither the path to an existing file nor directory.

Implemented in wx.PackageBuilder.SrcNodeData, wx.PackageBuilder.SrcLeafData, wx.PackageBuilder.TocNodeData, and wx.PackageBuilder.TableOfContents.

The wx.NET Build System.   (c) 2009-2010 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe