wx.Build.Mono.ToolProperties Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static string GetDefaultClrDir ()
the path to the default framework from the registry database.

static string GetDefaultToolDir ()
Returns the path to the default framework tools from the registry database.

static string GetPathToFrameworkTool (string toolname)


static string GmcsPrg [get]
static string MonoPrg [get]

Detailed Description

This class contains some methods to load properties of the installed Mono Frameworks from the registry. This will be applied on Windows platforms.

Member Function Documentation

static string wx.Build.Mono.ToolProperties.GetDefaultClrDir (  )  [static]

the path to the default framework from the registry database.

Example: C: Files\Mono-2.2

static string wx.Build.Mono.ToolProperties.GetDefaultToolDir (  )  [static]

Returns the path to the default framework tools from the registry database.

Example: C:/Program Files/Mono-2.2/bin

static string wx.Build.Mono.ToolProperties.GetPathToFrameworkTool ( string  toolname  )  [static]

Looks for the tool in the GetDefaultDir() first, then also in GetDefaultDir()/lib/mono/2 .0

Property Documentation

string wx.Build.Mono.ToolProperties.GmcsPrg [static, get]

string wx.Build.Mono.ToolProperties.MonoPrg [static, get]

The wx.NET Build System.   (c) 2009-2010 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe