wx.Build.ErrorObject Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  MessageType

Public Member Functions

 ErrorObject (MessageType type, string pattern, params object[] errorobjets)
 ErrorObject (wx.ProcessUtils.MsgEventArgs msg)
object GetErrorObject (Type typeOfErrorObject)
override string ToString ()


object[] ErrorObjects [get]
string MessagePattern [get]
MessageType Type [get]


class  ErrorNumber
class  FilePos

Detailed Description

An error object simply consists of a classification, a string pattern, and a sequence of objects that may be inserted into the error message pattern.

Objects of this class represent an error in a ErrorHandler.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum wx::Build::ErrorObject::MessageType


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wx.Build.ErrorObject.ErrorObject ( wx.ProcessUtils.MsgEventArgs  msg  ) 

Converts a text message into an error object.

msg The text message.

wx.Build.ErrorObject.ErrorObject ( MessageType  type,
string  pattern,
params object[]  errorobjets 

Creates an instance of an error object.

type is the type of the message.
pattern is a string pattern like "Object {0} is inconsistent".
errorobjets is an array of objects that have to be inserted into the pattern if required. Collections of build projects contained by this array will be printed as comma separated list.

Member Function Documentation

object wx.Build.ErrorObject.GetErrorObject ( Type  typeOfErrorObject  ) 

Returns the error object of the specified type if it exists. Otherwise, this will return null .

override string wx.Build.ErrorObject.ToString (  ) 

Property Documentation

object [] wx.Build.ErrorObject.ErrorObjects [get]

string wx.Build.ErrorObject.MessagePattern [get]

MessageType wx.Build.ErrorObject.Type [get]

The wx.NET Build System.   (c) 2009-2010 Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe