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Fundraising CampaignWould you like to help speed the development of wx.NET along? Are you using it in a project and would like to show your appreciation and support continuing development? If so, please read on. In late August 2004 we started a campaign to partially fund one of the core wx.NET developers, Alexander Olk. Alexander has been a very active member of the wx.NET team since he joined in October 2003. Alexander is currently between jobs and funds will go to help support his continued work on wx.NET. While not by any means complete, a list of some of the tasks Alexander intends to work on can be found here. Alexander is also very active on the wxnet-users mailing list and is constantly squashing bugs. One of Alexander's larger ongoing projects is automation of the C++/C# wrapper generation via a new tool (found in CVS under Utils/WNG). Donating is of course optional. wx.NET is and always will be free and open source software. But even a small donation will help (and larger donations won't hurt either ;-). Sending DonationsYou can donate one of two ways:
If you would prefer to donate with your keyboard and join the team, by all means ! Donors as of 12-Aug-2004 |