

    Why WX.Net? 
    Release Notes
    Building From Source
    User Manual
    Reference Doc.
    WX.Build Doc.


Who's Who

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Built with wxWidgets

Works on Mono


Pending Project Tasks

Type Owner Description
Core A Olk
Handle virtual callbacks better. Currently only WX.Net (derived) classes can handle virtual callbacks. Classes that are transfered from wxWidgets to WX.Net directly can not handle virtual callbacks (wxObject.Clone() should be one way or wxPython's PyCallback...)
  A Olk Finish and document WNG WX.Net code generation system. Switch to it's use for C++/C# wrapper generation.
Classes A Olk Create OpenGl class and sample based on Tao.OpenGl.
Build M Muegel Create MinGW + Mono/PNET-based build wrapper for Windows as alternative to VS.NET-based system.
Docs / Website ? Create end-user developer "getting started" section in manual. Should discuss languages, events, UI code generation, XRC, reference tutorial, and summarize developer system library/GAC setup from manual. Anything else?
  ? Write article for TheCodeProject.Com and GotDotNet user sample area.
  B Bulten Update tutorial docs and code to use events when possible.

We are always looking for new developers or new ideas. Please contact the team via the wxnet-users mailing list.