This is the documentation on samples and tools shipped with wx.NET.
This page will give a short list of the samples. This documentation provides the declarations of the implemented classes and methods and also listings of the complete source code.
wx.SampleControls demonstates controls that are available with wx.NET.
wx.SampleInternat is a port of the original sample on i18n support in conjunction with gettext. Please note, that wx.NET offers additional opportunities to provide translations for classes and enumerations.
wx.SampleListCtrl demonstrates the capabilities of the list control.
wx.SampleDisplay demonstrates manipulations of screen resolution.
wx.SampleStyledText is a sample demonstration of the styled text control (STC) contributed to wxWidgets. This will grow more and more to be a tool for managing and extending the code of the project. By the way, this demo will enable you to investigate all the code that implements wx.NET.
Please have a look at the namespaces listed in the appropriate HTML page for more samples. Manual of the
(c) 2003-2010 the wx.NET project