wx.DC Member List

This is the complete list of members for wx.DC, including all inherited members.

_(string str)wx.Object [static]
_(Type t)wx.Object [static]
_(Enum enumerationValue)wx.Object [static]
_(string format, params object[] args)wx.Object [static]
__(string str)wx.Object [static]
Blit(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source, int xsrc, int ysrc, int rop, bool useMask, int xsrcMask, int ysrcMask)wx.DC
Blit(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source)wx.DC
Blit(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source, int xsrc, int ysrc)wx.DC
Blit(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source, int xsrc, int ysrc, int rop)wx.DC
Blit(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source, int xsrc, int ysrc, int rop, bool useMask)wx.DC
Blit(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, DC source, int xsrc, int ysrc, int rop, bool useMask, int xsrcMask)wx.DC
Blit(Point destPt, Size sz, DC source, Point srcPt, int rop, bool useMask, Point srcPtMask)wx.DC
Blit(Point destPt, Size sz, DC source, Point srcPt)wx.DC
Blit(Point destPt, Size sz, DC source, Point srcPt, int rop)wx.DC
Blit(Point destPt, Size sz, DC source, Point srcPt, int rop, bool useMask)wx.DC
CalcBoundingBox(int x, int y)wx.DC [virtual]
CallDTor()wx.DC [protected, virtual]
Clear()wx.DC [virtual]
CrossHair(int x, int y)wx.DC
CrossHair(Point pt)wx.DC
DC(IntPtr wxObject)wx.DC
DC(IntPtr wxObject, bool memOwn)wx.DC
DeregisterWrapper()wx.Object [protected, virtual]
DeviceToLogicalX(int x)wx.DC
DeviceToLogicalXRel(int x)wx.DC
DeviceToLogicalY(int y)wx.DC
DeviceToLogicalYRel(int y)wx.DC
Dispose()wx.Object [virtual]
Dispose(bool disposing)wx.Object [protected, virtual]
DllSyncwx.Object [static]
DrawArc(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int xc, int yc)wx.DC
DrawArc(Point pt1, Point pt2, Point centre)wx.DC
DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, int x, int y, bool transparent)wx.DC
DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, int x, int y)wx.DC
DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, Point pt, bool transparent)wx.DC
DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, Point pt)wx.DC
DrawCheckMark(int x, int y, int width, int height)wx.DC
DrawCheckMark(Rectangle rect)wx.DC
DrawCircle(int x, int y, int radius)wx.DC
DrawCircle(Point pt, int radius)wx.DC
DrawEllipse(int x, int y, int width, int height)wx.DC
DrawEllipse(Point pt, Size sz)wx.DC
DrawEllipse(Rectangle rect)wx.DC
DrawEllipticArc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double sa, double ea)wx.DC
DrawEllipticArc(Point pt, Size sz, double sa, double ea)wx.DC
DrawIcon(Icon icon, int x, int y)wx.DC
DrawIcon(Icon icon, Point pt)wx.DC
DrawLabel(string text, Bitmap image, Rectangle rect, int alignment, int indexAccel, ref Rectangle rectBounding)wx.DC [virtual]
DrawLabel(string text, Bitmap image, Rectangle rect)wx.DC [virtual]
DrawLabel(string text, Bitmap image, Rectangle rect, int alignment)wx.DC [virtual]
DrawLabel(string text, Bitmap image, Rectangle rect, int alignment, int indexAccel)wx.DC [virtual]
DrawLabel(string text, Rectangle rect, int alignment, int indexAccel)wx.DC
DrawLabel(string text, Rectangle rect)wx.DC
DrawLabel(string text, Rectangle rect, int alignment)wx.DC
DrawLine(Point p1, Point p2)wx.DC
DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)wx.DC
DrawLines(Point[] points, int xoffset, int yoffset)wx.DC
DrawLines(params Point[] points)wx.DC
DrawLines(Point[] points, int xoffset)wx.DC
DrawPoint(int x, int y)wx.DC
DrawPoint(Point pt)wx.DC
DrawPolygon(Point[] points)wx.DC
DrawPolygon(Point[] points, int xoffset, int yoffset)wx.DC
DrawPolygon(Point[] points, int xoffset, int yoffset, FillRule fillStyle)wx.DC
DrawPolygon(int n, Point[] points)wx.DC
DrawPolygon(int n, Point[] points, int xoffset, int yoffset)wx.DC
DrawPolygon(int n, Point[] points, int xoffset, int yoffset, FillRule fillStyle)wx.DC
DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)wx.DC
DrawRectangle(Point pt, Size sz)wx.DC
DrawRectangle(Rectangle rect)wx.DC
DrawRotatedText(string text, int x, int y, double angle)wx.DC
DrawRotatedText(string text, Point pt, double angle)wx.DC
DrawRoundedRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, double radius)wx.DC
DrawRoundedRectangle(Point pt, Size sz, double radius)wx.DC
DrawRoundedRectangle(Rectangle r, double radius)wx.DC
DrawSpline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)wx.DC
DrawSpline(Point[] points)wx.DC
DrawText(string text, int x, int y)wx.DC
DrawText(string text, Point pos)wx.DC
EndDoc()wx.DC [virtual]
EndPage()wx.DC [virtual]
FloodFill(int x, int y, Colour col)wx.DC
FloodFill(int x, int y, Colour col, FloodStyle style)wx.DC
FloodFill(Point pt, Colour col)wx.DC
FloodFill(Point pt, Colour col, FloodStyle style)wx.DC
GetDeviceOrigin(out int x, out int y)wx.DC
GetLogicalOrigin(out int x, out int y)wx.DC
GetLogicalScale(out double x, out double y)wx.DC [virtual]
GetMultiLineTextExtent(string text, out int width, out int height, out int heightline, Font font)wx.DC [virtual]
GetMultiLineTextExtent(string text, out int width, out int height)wx.DC [virtual]
GetMultiLineTextExtent(string text, out int width, out int height, out int heightline)wx.DC [virtual]
GetMultiLineTextExtent(string text)wx.DC
GetPartialTextExtents(string text, int[] widths)wx.DC
GetPixel(int x, int y, Colour col)wx.DC
GetPixel(Point pt, Colour col)wx.DC
GetSizeMM(out int width, out int height)wx.DC
GetTextExtent(string str, out int w, out int h)wx.DC
GetTextExtent(string str, out int w, out int h, out int descent, out int externalLeading, Font theFont)wx.DC
GetTextExtent(string str, out int w, out int h, out int descent, out int externalLeading)wx.DC
GetTextExtent(string str)wx.DC
GetTextExtent(string str, wx.Font font)wx.DC
GetTranslation(Type aType)wx.Object [static]
GetTranslation(Enum enumerationValue)wx.Object [static]
GetTranslation(string str)wx.Object [static]
GetTranslation(wxString str)wx.Object [static]
GetUserScale(out double x, out double y)wx.DC [virtual]
InstancesCountwx.Object [static]
LogicalToDeviceX(int x)wx.DC
LogicalToDeviceXRel(int x)wx.DC
LogicalToDeviceY(int y)wx.DC
LogicalToDeviceYRel(int y)wx.DC
SavedInstancesCountwx.Object [static]
SetAxisOrientation(bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp)wx.DC
SetClippingRegion(int x, int y, int width, int height)wx.DC
SetClippingRegion(Point pos, Size size)wx.DC
SetClippingRegion(Rectangle rect)wx.DC
SetClippingRegion(Region reg)wx.DC
SetDeviceOrigin(int x, int y)wx.DC
SetLogicalOrigin(int x, int y)wx.DC
SetLogicalScale(double x, double y)wx.DC [virtual]
SetUserScale(double x, double y)wx.DC [virtual]
StartDoc(string message)wx.DC [virtual]
StartPage()wx.DC [virtual]
VirtualDispose()wx.Object [protected]

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